About Yoga,
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis.
About ancient wisdom, science and magic.
From me, for you.
The Art of Touch- The art of adjustments in yoga classes
Photo by I know the right kind of adjustment can be incredibly beneficial to students. Picture a not so flexible student in a seated forward fold, slightly frustrated that he or she will never be able to touch their toes. Happy to be helped, they see the teacher approaching and all the teacher does is touch them for a second in a too gentle way. They are now even more unsatisfied. But then again.
How my core fell in love with Uddiyana Bandha Kriya
Krishnamacharya practicing Uddiyana Bandha Kriya After I gave birth to my lovely baby boy, I was in the same situation as every woman. I had to rebuild my core. As a yoga teacher, I’m even more aware of the importance of a strong core. And we’re not talking about the awesome six-pack I was always too lazy to achieve in any case. I’m talking about a healthy, strong inner core. Women should not practice “the
Yoga for writers and the one and only yoga pose
Talking to David Holzer, founder of Yogawriters Talking to David Holzer, founder of Yogawriters My friend David Holzer helped me make sure the English language version of my website is not too Agnesized. David is a professional writer and yogi. He created Yogawriters to share his insights into the amazing ways yoga can help writers and yogis who love to write. Hello David. Can you tell me what Yogawriters is exactly? Sure. It’s a method